Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I studied for two weeks straight for my Geology exam, not only did I study the slides, my notes, memorize the review AND memorize the end of the chapter quizes, I also met with my group a few times at the library. 

ANDDDDDDDDDDDDD I got a freaking 72%. 

I thought I atleast for an 80....

I just dont understand why exams are so damn difficult...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


God I want a Macbook, and if at all possible, a black one... I want final cut pro and I want to be able to edit anything at anytime anywhere... It's not a NEED but I sure as he'll want one... Don't get me wrong I appreciate having my Dell laptop but Id love to have the software Final Cut, in my opinion it's the best editing software...


Thursday, November 4, 2010


Every tuesday Thursday morning i NEED coffee to get by...i'm taking 19 hours and work technically two jobs....BUT tuesday & thursday I have class 9:30-4:50 straight with no breaks...

but I have to wonder if my regular size Caramel Mach. really helps ? or is it just another few hundred calories I don't need? aka the reason why I workout so much? Ugh life is a continuously open question with no certain answer...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Birthday birthday christmasssssss birthday


I am having the hardest time finding gifts for people... I mean I'm really trying here. My sister likes fashion and stuff so that won't be that hard, my dad likes cars and riding his bike so that won't be too hard and my mom likes the store WHBM stuff... Buttttttt I also have my mom and my sister and my BFs birthday... And the hardest perso to buy for is him, my bf...

I feel like he has everything big that he could want... Maybe... And so all that's really left is either:
A. An ipad (which is crazy expensive...)
B. DC shoes
C. Nike clothes or shoes
or D. A kindle (but he doesn't leisurly read that all)

or it's basially I spend a tonnnnnn of money or not enough... And considering his bday and Christmas are in the same week , not enough=no bueno...I NEED ideas I'm having the hardest time over here ... :/

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

a quote for the day

"What people say behind your back is your standing in the community"- Edgar Watson Howe

Last night I had a great study session with my friend Leah. We were in the library for a good few hours when you could tell both of us were getting bored with the review. Which I might add a thank you to Ivan for helping us out with! So we started talking about things and people and whatnot, not neccesarily good or bad just stuff going on in our lives. And this quote just apeared on my review. It stood out and on my test today it was just about one of the only things I could remember....(lol) but It made me think, is this true or not?

I think it is...I mean if your a nice person people will say that about you, if your mean they'll say that too...just makes me wonder what people say about me, my friends, family...everyone really...