Tomorrow a lot of things happen for me. The News Director in South Dakota (where I interviewed last week) said I'd find out about the job sometime basically between tomorrow and my guess is friday. so as you can imagine I'm very very excited to hear what could be life changing news. So where is this place your asking in South Dakota? well lets just say its right by the famous Mt. Rushmore :) soooo I'm being my normal self and pre-planning, looking at different apartment complexes, emailing them about possibly taking a look at them and of course looking up the history of their Hockey Team, the Rapid City Rush. Now hockey is MY FAVORITE SPORT. I love it. Especially the fights. The thing about hockey and I is that I've never sat against the glass. Well, if I move there I'm going to make sure my first game is against the glass :) Apparently the station gets about 8 free tickets to all their games and it rotates which workers get them. ( a great perk about news is media passes, you can usually get into any event or museum or anything really with one...) but assuming games are probably at like 7pm and If I get this job my work schedule is about 2am to I hope 6 hours of sleep is enough b/c I really want to go to as many games as possible!
well look at me, just rambled on about another day and things that may or may not happen! At least I'm hopeful :)
song for the night Jack Johnson's "Cupid"
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