I'm so excited I still can't believe it...I'm just so shocked, its unreal! My first reaction was a scream and then I was just crying in excitment. I can't believe my dreams of finally becoming a reporter are here!!!!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
I'M A REPORTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so excited I still can't believe it...I'm just so shocked, its unreal! My first reaction was a scream and then I was just crying in excitment. I can't believe my dreams of finally becoming a reporter are here!!!!
its only 2:30am and I've got another hour and 37 mins left for this video to finish FTPing to a news station....its taken 8 hours.
pictures so far-
Jack Johnson's "HOPE"
pictures so far-
playing amazing Grace at St. Mary's
one of the many signs, not including all the spray painted street names on the streets and on the houses labeled "State Farm" ect.
St. Mary's world famous cross
whats left of a nursing home
the nursing homes wheel chairs really touched me b/c my papa is paralyzed
KOAM's broadcast of the one week memorial
my great great grandma Smiths home....Joplin is our familys home
its amazing how the metal just completely wrapped around everything
volunteers need a break too!
Jack Johnson's "HOPE"
Friday, May 27, 2011
going to make something of myself
Tomorrow I am buying equiptment and Sunday I'm driving to Joplin.
So tomorrow when I wake up I'm going straight to Best Buy and buying :
ALSO volunteering...I get such a joy out of helping others so I'm going to try to volunteer as much as I can while I'm there...if not more than anything else...one of my friends and my grandma's bf also lost their homes and I'd love to help them or help others find their things/clean up....anything...I want to help
SO the next week or so I MAY possibly be hard to get a hold of but get ready for stories!
So tomorrow when I wake up I'm going straight to Best Buy and buying :
- A HD flip cam. 1 or 2 hours...idk
- A tripod
- possible magnetic lens add on for the flip cam...
- strap for tripod?
- editing software?
ALSO volunteering...I get such a joy out of helping others so I'm going to try to volunteer as much as I can while I'm there...if not more than anything else...one of my friends and my grandma's bf also lost their homes and I'd love to help them or help others find their things/clean up....anything...I want to help
SO the next week or so I MAY possibly be hard to get a hold of but get ready for stories!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
while putting on my makeup, I decided to listen to this song. I havn't cried this much in a while but it was deffinitely needed. I've tried being strong about this but the truth is, my parents divorce is killing me. and i'm still sitting here, crying. I love both my parents so much and I wish this wasn't happening, I wish we could all go on vacation together one last time. I wish I hadn't fought with my sister so much growing up, I wish I would've wrote my parents more at camp. Pushed them to go on dates more. Stayed home to hang out with them instead of anyone else....I miss it all.
I wish I could just spend more time with both of them and my sister and have one last happy memory together.
Paramore "The Only Exception"
I wish I could just spend more time with both of them and my sister and have one last happy memory together.
Paramore "The Only Exception"
Monday, May 23, 2011
Joplin, MO
Joplin, MO is my mom's home town. My grandparents live there, yesterday a tornado hit. My grandparents are divorced, both of their houses are fine, but my grandma's boyfriends house is gone....and so is one of my friends houses...I feel horrible for them...keep them in your thoughts are prayers ya'll!
my friends street
the hospital, two stories were affected and all the windows were blown out....
Sunday, May 15, 2011
SO i graduated from college!!!!!!!! WHOOHHHOO, here's a few randoms from yesterday!
my mom got my sister and I matching Owls and she got the "mama" one haha
my grandma & mom
my Maya Brenner necklace from my aunt shannon & uncle david!
necklace from my sister! everything is better blue :D
my dad & I, uncle David & aunt Shannon
my dad's a goof :D
Saturday, May 14, 2011
excited exhaustion
its 2am and I JUST finished my grad cap...pooped...
SO TODAY I thought I'd hear back from the SD station with a decision but they said it'd be another week or so, so thats good, gives me more time to get things togther and stuff, I was really hoping I'd know for graduation but it's all good...
so the last few hours I've been working on my grad cap, glued probably hundreds of individual rinestones on it, trust me I am not the crafty homebody woman too so I consider this some sort of an acomplishment... SCORE....
SO TODAY I thought I'd hear back from the SD station with a decision but they said it'd be another week or so, so thats good, gives me more time to get things togther and stuff, I was really hoping I'd know for graduation but it's all good...
so the last few hours I've been working on my grad cap, glued probably hundreds of individual rinestones on it, trust me I am not the crafty homebody woman too so I consider this some sort of an acomplishment... SCORE....
start of the cap, B finished
Oh and I picked up my Nemo ice cream cake for grad diner tomorrow night! YAH I'm cool.
Now I'm listening to some amazing early 90's music ....
QUICK TRIVIA: Name the lead singer of "ACE OF BASE"?
(hint- she was in another famous 90's- early 00's band, has had a few CD's herself and now has a perfume line)
SONG by Ace Of Base "Don't Turn Around"
Friday, May 13, 2011
FRiDAY THE 13th...thus far
So far I havn't heard about the job soooo *FINGERS CROSSED*
But nevertheless today has been a great day, so far! Woke up, picked up my dad from the air portttttttt....(he lives in Detroit)
got lunch and margaritas at Skeeters
GOT HOME and got LOTS OF AMAZING MAIL. including my dun dun dun duuuuunnnnnnnnn HAWAIIAN LEI from Honolulu :D
I love it SO SO MUCH and am SO EXCITED to wear it at graduation tomorrowwwwwwww!
OH and two of our dogs attacked my dad
But nevertheless today has been a great day, so far! Woke up, picked up my dad from the air portttttttt....(he lives in Detroit)
got lunch and margaritas at Skeeters
GOT HOME and got LOTS OF AMAZING MAIL. including my dun dun dun duuuuunnnnnnnnn HAWAIIAN LEI from Honolulu :D
I love it SO SO MUCH and am SO EXCITED to wear it at graduation tomorrowwwwwwww!
OH and two of our dogs attacked my dad
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
I love love love the show Glee. It's amazing. Basically its a show that remakes originals and sometimes it's even better...most of the time! So tonight I watched The Fleetwood Mac episode and the Prom episode. (I never watch things when they air other than news...) Thought I'd share a few of my favorites with you guys!!!
Fleetwood Mac's "Go Your Own Way"
Christina Perri's "Jar Of Hearts"
THIS IS A VERY BIG DEAL. okay, yes I'm finally finished with class and finals for the rest of my life! yes, I graduate on Saturday! but today May 11 of 2011 I am changing something about myself that had been literally the same since 2003. So STORY. summer of 2003 was my last year at the Kanakuk Kamps ( yes I know it should be spelled 'camps' but that's how they spell it) and I decided I was going to make myself remember their logo.
(note the only I'll ever rearrange these rings again is when I get proposed to ...one day...)
Now I definitely need to be reminded this that's why I've said it. But earlier on in my 8 years of camp there I received a ring, the Christian fish Icthus and it had the roman numeral three in it. can you guess what they stand for? Well ever since that summer I've worn that ring on my right middle finger. EVERY DAY. Even when I had to preform in High School for color guard I hid it underneath my gloves.
after. NOTICE horrible ring tan line.
SO TODAY I am officially switching it to my left middle finger. WHY? well because I have another ring of equal value on that right hand now. my class ring. AND YES before and after shots were taken....its a big deal for me...may seem silly to most people..proooooobably all, but who cares :)
(note the only I'll ever rearrange these rings again is when I get proposed to ...one day...)
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
may 10th 2011
so today I broke a mirror. but I'm going to look at it as a good thing. I've always wanted to make a mirror mosaic art piece of a coffee cable and this is perfect, so I consider it a blessings in disguise. Nevertheless I packed it up into my car with everything I own ( that isn't already at my parents old house ) its crazy to see everything you own in such a small place, I know they are just items but they all have history. Today we also aired our last film as our final...its amazing, called "Mind Over Monster". Also saw THOR. AMAZING. I loved it of course...but thing about Marvel movies is that you have to stay till the veryyyyy end. SO STAY TILL THE END B/C SOMETHING HAPPENS! Now I'm quote on quote "studying" for my last two finals ever, which are tomorrow, Criminal Justice Child Abuse and Broadcast Journalism. Then at diner at Subway I ran into my friends and they explained to me how my friends little brother doesn't play for the Arizona Diamond Backs, he plays for the South Bend Silver Backs who are owned by the diamond backs...very confusing stuff...but very interesting!
Tomorrow a lot of things happen for me. The News Director in South Dakota (where I interviewed last week) said I'd find out about the job sometime basically between tomorrow and my guess is friday. so as you can imagine I'm very very excited to hear what could be life changing news. So where is this place your asking in South Dakota? well lets just say its right by the famous Mt. Rushmore :) soooo I'm being my normal self and pre-planning, looking at different apartment complexes, emailing them about possibly taking a look at them and of course looking up the history of their Hockey Team, the Rapid City Rush. Now hockey is MY FAVORITE SPORT. I love it. Especially the fights. The thing about hockey and I is that I've never sat against the glass. Well, if I move there I'm going to make sure my first game is against the glass :) Apparently the station gets about 8 free tickets to all their games and it rotates which workers get them. ( a great perk about news is media passes, you can usually get into any event or museum or anything really with one...) but assuming games are probably at like 7pm and If I get this job my work schedule is about 2am to 1pmISH...so I hope 6 hours of sleep is enough b/c I really want to go to as many games as possible!
song for the night Jack Johnson's "Cupid" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VESkyB5a8OY
Tomorrow a lot of things happen for me. The News Director in South Dakota (where I interviewed last week) said I'd find out about the job sometime basically between tomorrow and my guess is friday. so as you can imagine I'm very very excited to hear what could be life changing news. So where is this place your asking in South Dakota? well lets just say its right by the famous Mt. Rushmore :) soooo I'm being my normal self and pre-planning, looking at different apartment complexes, emailing them about possibly taking a look at them and of course looking up the history of their Hockey Team, the Rapid City Rush. Now hockey is MY FAVORITE SPORT. I love it. Especially the fights. The thing about hockey and I is that I've never sat against the glass. Well, if I move there I'm going to make sure my first game is against the glass :) Apparently the station gets about 8 free tickets to all their games and it rotates which workers get them. ( a great perk about news is media passes, you can usually get into any event or museum or anything really with one...) but assuming games are probably at like 7pm and If I get this job my work schedule is about 2am to 1pmISH...so I hope 6 hours of sleep is enough b/c I really want to go to as many games as possible!
well look at me, just rambled on about another day and things that may or may not happen! At least I'm hopeful :)
song for the night Jack Johnson's "Cupid" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VESkyB5a8OY
Nixon watches...
so I already have a good nice watch, then of course I have my running nike+ watch...but I'm debating if I should get a Nixon, they make bad ass colorful watches and it'd be fun to wear just when ever.... what do ya'll think? TO GET OR NOT TO GET? and if so which one ...
note these pictures are credited to Nixon and if you would also like one, b/c they're so awesome you can go to the link underneath....WHICH ONE GUYS!?!
AND song I'm listening to RIGHT NOW City & Colour's "The Girl"
note these pictures are credited to Nixon and if you would also like one, b/c they're so awesome you can go to the link underneath....WHICH ONE GUYS!?!
AND song I'm listening to RIGHT NOW City & Colour's "The Girl"
Monday, May 9, 2011
only a few days left.
it's almost here. GRADUATION. ugh I'm so ready... ready to work, play hard, turn my class ring around, move, run a lot, swim, toob, love and fill my future with tons of adventure.
This song is from Country Strong its called "Give In To Me"...I love it
OH and I almost forgot. Todayyy I saw "Something Borrowed", a movie about a girl who falls in love with a guy, her best friend almost marry's that guy ect. ect. pretty good movie, although SPOILER the main girl has a guy best friend who gives her advice on the situation and stuff, eventually he admits he's in love with her. AND SHE DIDN'T CHOOSE HIM. I was actually really disappointed by this. I mean the best friend was cute, tall, quirky, adorable and had a sense of humor, whats not to love? I do recommend seeings it (like most of my recommendations) however don't tell you I didn't tell you you'd leave wanting more.
This song is from Country Strong its called "Give In To Me"...I love it
OH and I almost forgot. Todayyy I saw "Something Borrowed", a movie about a girl who falls in love with a guy, her best friend almost marry's that guy ect. ect. pretty good movie, although SPOILER the main girl has a guy best friend who gives her advice on the situation and stuff, eventually he admits he's in love with her. AND SHE DIDN'T CHOOSE HIM. I was actually really disappointed by this. I mean the best friend was cute, tall, quirky, adorable and had a sense of humor, whats not to love? I do recommend seeings it (like most of my recommendations) however don't tell you I didn't tell you you'd leave wanting more.
grad portraits
so today I took some more pics of my gorgeous bud Sanna...
(fav pic of her of the day)
...and of course she took some for me just for fun so I thought I'd upload a few :)

( fav pic of the day of me )
best buds
I love the natural shading in the wood, it's gorgeous
I love this ring...its made from a silver spoon, bought it in Austin last summer and it reminds me of my internship and everything...
Sunday, May 8, 2011
...bring me your love, tonight
(TRY - before you read click on this link... it's the song I was listening to while writing this. City and Colour's "As Much As I Ever Could" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsZRPTLMk9s )
so today I drove back from my one-night-trip to Austin, I do a lot of trips like this. It was fun, no I'm exhausted of course. Then I brought my mom flowers while she worked for Mothers Day, shes a nurse so she works odd days. Then I went to see Fast & Furious 5. GREAT MOVIE. loved it everyone should see it or well, if you like cars a LOT then go! Lots of muscle, still would love to get a new Challenger!
Now I'm home, listening to music and completely relaxing, doodling on the internet and thinking about the week ahead of me. So many things are about to fall into place, it's very exciting and very scary. Looking back at my college experience there are a few things I would've done differently that's for sure...probably would've never cut my hair off ( any of the times I did ) probably would've let myself explore more, travel, definitely would've stayed in corpus and worked at the station longer, would've volunteered more like I use to, seen more bands play, would've ran everyday...lots of things... so tonight lying in bed as I'm thinking about the past, I'm also thinking about the future. From here on out I'm going to do everything I've been wanting to do and more. I know this probably doesn't sounds ideal to most people, but I've always wanted to plan a small vacation just for myself, just to get away for a weekend and to take my time enjoying the sites and relaxation. There's many places I've been wanting to go....
first place - The Smithsonian...I'm a big history buff and I'd love to go to all the museums
Second - The Oregon coast...I lived in Oregon for a few years growing up and I think experiencing the beautiful coast in the pouring rain, camping in the woods in Yurts...it just sounds perfect.
Thirds - Rio de Janeiro, not such a small vacation but I think it'd be beautiful for a get-a-way...its been in so many movies I've seen recently, it's definitely calling to me.
...not sure exactly where to go, place could change but I've got to do something for myself once in a while and I'd love to do this...
so today I drove back from my one-night-trip to Austin, I do a lot of trips like this. It was fun, no I'm exhausted of course. Then I brought my mom flowers while she worked for Mothers Day, shes a nurse so she works odd days. Then I went to see Fast & Furious 5. GREAT MOVIE. loved it everyone should see it or well, if you like cars a LOT then go! Lots of muscle, still would love to get a new Challenger!
Now I'm home, listening to music and completely relaxing, doodling on the internet and thinking about the week ahead of me. So many things are about to fall into place, it's very exciting and very scary. Looking back at my college experience there are a few things I would've done differently that's for sure...probably would've never cut my hair off ( any of the times I did ) probably would've let myself explore more, travel, definitely would've stayed in corpus and worked at the station longer, would've volunteered more like I use to, seen more bands play, would've ran everyday...lots of things... so tonight lying in bed as I'm thinking about the past, I'm also thinking about the future. From here on out I'm going to do everything I've been wanting to do and more. I know this probably doesn't sounds ideal to most people, but I've always wanted to plan a small vacation just for myself, just to get away for a weekend and to take my time enjoying the sites and relaxation. There's many places I've been wanting to go....
first place - The Smithsonian...I'm a big history buff and I'd love to go to all the museums
Second - The Oregon coast...I lived in Oregon for a few years growing up and I think experiencing the beautiful coast in the pouring rain, camping in the woods in Yurts...it just sounds perfect.
Thirds - Rio de Janeiro, not such a small vacation but I think it'd be beautiful for a get-a-way...its been in so many movies I've seen recently, it's definitely calling to me.
...not sure exactly where to go, place could change but I've got to do something for myself once in a while and I'd love to do this...
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Hawaiian Lei
so as some of you may know, I have a small obsession. With flowers. YES YES YES I know all women are suppose to loveeeeeeeeee flowers, but this is different I'm to the point where I could own a floral shop when I retire...or atleast have a huge garden. Now I believe this trait was passed down to me by my great grandma Gaw, going to her house when I was little I remember going to smell all the gorgeous flowers and I want that too one day.
Now your probably wondering what this all has to do with the title for the day. Well SURPRISE I ordered a Hawaiian Lei to wear at my graduation. (courtesy of my mom) Now we aren't just talking about going to the florist here. ( I actually tried and they said they could only make a Lei with different flowers and that it wouldn't look like a hawaiian one...) SO I did some research and voil'a I ordered one from Honolulu :)
I am SO SO excited so I hope it come in on time! I made the arrival date friday soooo *fingers crossed*
Now your probably wondering what this all has to do with the title for the day. Well SURPRISE I ordered a Hawaiian Lei to wear at my graduation. (courtesy of my mom) Now we aren't just talking about going to the florist here. ( I actually tried and they said they could only make a Lei with different flowers and that it wouldn't look like a hawaiian one...) SO I did some research and voil'a I ordered one from Honolulu :)
I am SO SO excited so I hope it come in on time! I made the arrival date friday soooo *fingers crossed*
Friday, May 6, 2011
My interview went amazing! I talked to the news director for a little over an hour!!! I am so excited it went so so well! I should find out within the next ten days, he said no earlier than wednesday so I'm going to be a very excited anxious girl till then!
ALSO my awesome friend Jackie found a few job openings in Utica & Albany, NY so I also applied for those too!
everything is starting to fall into place... LOVE IT
ALSO my awesome friend Jackie found a few job openings in Utica & Albany, NY so I also applied for those too!
everything is starting to fall into place... LOVE IT
TODAY is NOT cinco de mayo! LOL
TODAY IS A VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT DAY!!! I have my interview at 12 noon!!!
thankful for today cause its CiNCO DE MAYO!!!
I feel like great things are going to happen today!
I started off my day with a 2.25ish mile run. Then took a long hot relaxing shower. Then once I got to campus my friend Sanna surprised me and made my graduation announcements which are SO SO cute! I am so thankful to have such a good friend! I've been meaning to get those but I've been so busy trying to get a job that I forgot that I'm about to GRADUATE from COLLEGE !!!
Then I've got my psych of Human Sexuality exam today and if I do well enought I don't have to take the final! Which is awesome!!! AND TODAY IS "CiNCO DE MAYO" and you know what I decided to do today? GIVE UP all fried foods, candy and coke products!!!
(I'm not suppose to have them anyway with my colon problems but I've been eating them anyways) So 'no mas' for me. ALL IN ALL this whole running kick I'm in and the eating sort of healthy has really benefited me, since summer I've lost about ten pounds, which I see as some sort of accomplishment b/c its been gradual and not gained back!
and then there's tomorrow...TOMORROW I go back to Katy for the weekend for Mothers Day and I've also decided to go see a hair stylist by the name of Mark to talk about *DO *DO *DO *DOOOOOOO HAIR EXTENSIONS!!! Now when most people hear those words they probably assume long long pieces added to the hair, well I'm just talking about a few pieces that are about three inches longer then my natural hair. REASON I'm doing this related back to my field. NEWS. Because you are constantly in the public eye you need to look perfect ALL THE TIME and with most stations they like either short or long hair IE. a BOB cut or chest length or so. Well my hair isn't either at the moment. Yes it would be easier to bob it and way less expensive but I want to scope out my options, plus my hair takes for-ev-errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr to grow....so it isn't for sure yet, but I wanted to see what it'd be like...........so just thought I'd share that...
There's a lot of stuff a person has to do to prepare for a public figure job that I don't think people realize, but fortunately I find it all so much fun, especially since I'm a girl. :)
my song of the day/week LOL City of Colour's "Hello, I'm In Delaware"
I started off my day with a 2.25ish mile run. Then took a long hot relaxing shower. Then once I got to campus my friend Sanna surprised me and made my graduation announcements which are SO SO cute! I am so thankful to have such a good friend! I've been meaning to get those but I've been so busy trying to get a job that I forgot that I'm about to GRADUATE from COLLEGE !!!
Then I've got my psych of Human Sexuality exam today and if I do well enought I don't have to take the final! Which is awesome!!! AND TODAY IS "CiNCO DE MAYO" and you know what I decided to do today? GIVE UP all fried foods, candy and coke products!!!
(I'm not suppose to have them anyway with my colon problems but I've been eating them anyways) So 'no mas' for me. ALL IN ALL this whole running kick I'm in and the eating sort of healthy has really benefited me, since summer I've lost about ten pounds, which I see as some sort of accomplishment b/c its been gradual and not gained back!
and then there's tomorrow...TOMORROW I go back to Katy for the weekend for Mothers Day and I've also decided to go see a hair stylist by the name of Mark to talk about *DO *DO *DO *DOOOOOOO HAIR EXTENSIONS!!! Now when most people hear those words they probably assume long long pieces added to the hair, well I'm just talking about a few pieces that are about three inches longer then my natural hair. REASON I'm doing this related back to my field. NEWS. Because you are constantly in the public eye you need to look perfect ALL THE TIME and with most stations they like either short or long hair IE. a BOB cut or chest length or so. Well my hair isn't either at the moment. Yes it would be easier to bob it and way less expensive but I want to scope out my options, plus my hair takes for-ev-errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr to grow....so it isn't for sure yet, but I wanted to see what it'd be like...........so just thought I'd share that...
There's a lot of stuff a person has to do to prepare for a public figure job that I don't think people realize, but fortunately I find it all so much fun, especially since I'm a girl. :)
my song of the day/week LOL City of Colour's "Hello, I'm In Delaware"
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