the last few months have been crazy. its unreal.
My life has changed in so many ways. Parents are in the divorce process and all I can think about is when will this ever end. A relationship of 3 years ended b/c of distance and time. One of my best friends is more ill than ever. And here I am, 22, sitting and moping.
Don't get me wrong, great things have happened recently that are no doubt life chaning and I am extremely thankful to be so lucky. I'm just left wondering where does it go from here? you know?
Whats next...
I thought it might be dating but God was I wrong about that, the truth is I am no where near ready to go back out into the world like that. Ive been on a few dates in the past few months but all have been pretty much unsucsessful which I'm fine with.
I thought it might be traveling....but after one trip to florida to visit an old friend, I'm not so sure. I did make a "tour of texas" a few weeks back stopping in every city visiting almost all of my close friends :/ not all of them unfortuantly but it was an awesome trip.
working out has really been a time killer. In the last year (most of this recent) I've lost 12-14 lbs. which feels GREAT :)
not much else is going on, recent things have left me dissapointed but I guess it'll all pick back up soon